Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

Terbentuknya daratan Sundaland

Turunnya permukaan laut membentuk Daratan Sundaland

Kemungkinan digambarkan oleh mitologi Varaha yang mengalahkan Hiranyaksha yang menyembunyikan bumi (daratan) di bawah permukaan air/laut, sehingga akhirnya daratan naik kembali.
When the demon Hiranyaksha stole the earth (personified as the goddess Bhudevi) and hid her in the primordial waters, Vishnu appeared as Varaha to rescue her. Varaha slew the demon and retrieved the Earth from the ocean, lifting it on his tusks, and restored Bhudevi to her place in the universe.

Varaha adalah mahluk manusia setengah babi(babi hutan, wild boar)
Like Vishnu's first two avatars - Matsya (fish) and Kurma (turtle), the third avatar Varaha is depicted either in zoomorphic form as an animal (a wild boar), or anthropomorphically. The main difference in the anthropomorphic form portrayal is that the first two avatars are depicted with a torso of a man and the bottom half as animal, while Varaha has an animal (boar) head and a human body.

Asal-usul Spesies Babi Hutan (Wild Boar) adalah dari INDONESIA
MtDNA studies indicate that the wild boar originated from islands in Southeast Asia such as INDONESIA and the Philippines, and subsequently spread onto mainland Eurasia and North Africa.
Hiranyaksha dan Hiranyakashipu kemungkinan berkaitan dengan kota Hiranyapura.

Menariknya Hiranyapura diperkirakan berlokasi di Sumatera, Indonesia.
Hiranyapura:Kota Emas. Nama kerajaan purba di Pulau Sumatera. Dalam mitologi digambarkan sebagai kota yang melayang-layang di angkasa. (Flying City)
This is something I was expecting to hear in connection with my deduction that the Hindu stories of Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashipu, Prahladha, Virochana, Bali, Narakasura etal were real and happened in the region where Indonesia is situated.
This region was initially called as Hiranyapura. The description of the region comes in Mahabharata, Udyoga parva where Narada shows these places to Matali while the latter wanted to find a groom for his daughter.
The Hiranya in the name indicates the knowledge and use of Gold. This place was also known as Swarna dweepa. This place was dominated by Daityas and Danavas who were fair in complexion, well built, Vedic but cruel and adamant! The early record of Vedic knowledge comes from this place only.

Kisah di era Kruta Yuga (Satya Yuga) dimana  Agastya mengeringkan seluruh isi lautan (menurunkan permukaan laut? masa jaman es?) untuk mengalahkan Kalakeyas (sejenis manusia ikan?) yang juga hidup di Hiranyapura.
The Kalakeyas and the Paulomas defended the great city of gold, Hiranyapura. Hiranyapura was a floating celestial sky-city created by Brahma as a boon granted to Kalaka and Puloma to protect their children
In the time of Krutayuga, there was a demon called Vrutraasura. Vrutraasura and his associates (the Kalakeyas), were teasing the Devatas and causing them to suffer greatly. With the help of Vajrayudha, Indra killed Vrutraasura. The Kalakeyas fled away and hid themselves in the sea. They would remain in the sea during the day time and come out at night and as usual they would tease the saints, sages, Devatas and other citizens. This time all the Devatas along with Indra approached Lord Vishnu and requested him to help them. Lord Vishnu said:

"Kalakeyas are more powerful and stronger than all of you. Besides that, they are in the sea. It is very difficult to kill them. If all the water in the sea is drained out, we can kill them. Therefore, you should approach Saint Agastya and seek his help" said Lord Vishnu.

Agastya drank all of the water in the sea until it became dry. All the Kalakeyas who are hiding in the sea came out. Devatas fought with them and killed them. Those who escaped fled underground. The only problem now was refilling the sea.

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