Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

Rainbow City, peradaban purba berbahan plastik

Rainbow City Peradaban Manusia yang Terlupakan
(Foto hanya ilustrasi belaka)

Referensi :

Peradaban yang berusia lebih dari 2 juta tahun dan menggunakan
Plastik untuk jalan2, bangunan dan pakaian :

"Studying the cultural evidence of an ancient civilization they found it by the records to be over 2 million years old? A City using plastics for paving, building and clothing. Controlled static electricity for light and heat., and city power, and to run the great trains that are waiting in the underground terminal yards and station below this "Rainbow City." "

Komposit Plastik sekarang sudah bisa menggantikan baja

Referensi Artifak Kuno berbahan Plastik
Dead Men's Secret - Jonathan Gray

page 7
Imagine it, if you can.  Paved rainbow cities whose “houses of crystal” reflected every spectral hue; and we’re talking about air travel, computers and plastics.

page 232

EGYPT 23 (W): Plastics: “Glass which could be bent and yet not broken” was reported by the Arab historian Ibn Abd Hokh to have been buried in ancient vaults.2
PERU 24 (S): Plastics?  Small tubes of a material like glass, but not glass, and of an unknown chemical composition, were found in graves, in the 1940’s.

Kalau dari deskripsinya yang berusia lebih dari 2 juta tahun ini menurut perhitungan long count india masuk ke era tretayuga dimana ada konflik antara para deva(aditya) yang dibantu bhraspati(jupiter) dan para asura(daitya, danava, naga dsb) yang dibantu sukra(venus) ... di era ini juga ada kisah ramayana ...

Menurut kosmologi India Kuno kita sekarang berada di awal Kali Yuga.
Urutan masa2 Yuga adalah mulai dari Satya-Yuga, Treta-Yuga, Dvapara-Yuga, dan Kali-Yuga . Sehingga kalau dihitung secara matematis maka era Treta Yuga itu terjadi sekitar : (Treta-Yuga=1,296,000)+(Dwapara-Yuga=864,000)=2,160,000 tahun yang lalu.

" ... Lord Rama of the fabled Ramayana lived in Treta Yuga ..."

Peradaban manusia sudah berusia trilyunan tahun menurut artikel tersebut :
"And that, starts millions and even trillions of earth-measured years ago, and millions of light years away, far across galaxy after galaxy, solar system after solar system and planet to planet, a long chain of migrations and colonization by the human race, their rise and decline, cycle after cycle."

Menurut perhitungan long count dari mitologi india kuno
usia peradaban manusia sudah sekitar 155 trilyun tahun
So the total time elapsed since current Brahma is

155520000000000 + 1852416000 + 116640000 + 3888000 + 5115 = 155,521,972,949,117 years (one hundred fifty-five trillion, five hundred twenty-one billion, nine hundred seventy-two million, nine hundred forty-nine thousand, one hundred seventeen years) as of 2016 AD

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